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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Savarina Monti


200 gr faina Monti (100 gr faina integrala, 100 gr tarate)
20 gr drojdie
200 ml lapte monti (sau lapte de soia)
un ou
o lingura de fructoza
30 ml ulei
un praf de sare
coaja rasa de la o lamaie

Se amesteca toate ingredientele si se lasa 20 minute la crescut. Intre timp se ung formele cu unt si faina (eu am folosit faina de soia). Se pune compozitie in forme, cam jumatate si se mai lasa 15 minute la crescut. Se pun la cuptor la 160 grade, pentru aproximativ 20 minute.


3 linguri de fructoza
200 ml apa
esenta de rom si de vanilie

Se fierbe apa cu fructoza, dupa care se ia de pe foc si se adauga esentele.

Savarinele se lasa la racit o ora sau doua dupa care se insiropeaza si se orneaza cu frisca.


200 grams of Monti flour (100 gr of whole wheat flour and 100 gr of bran)
20 gr of yeast
200 ml monti milk (or soya milk)
one egg
one spoon of fructose
30 ml of oil
one pinch of salt
skin from one lemon

Mix all ingredients and let it rise for about 20 minutes. In the mean time, smear the cookie forms with a bit of butter and flour (I used soya flour). Put the mix into the forms, half filled and let it rise again for another 15 minutes. Throw them into the oven heated at 160 degrees for 20 minutes.


3 sp of fructose
200 ml of water
rum and vanilla essence

Boil the water with the fructose. Take it from the cooker and add the essences.

Leave the cookies to cool down for an hour or two. After they are cooled down, add the syrup and the whipped cream (I used soya whipped cream).