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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Salata de vita Carpaccio - Beef Carpaccio salad


200 gr de carne de vita
o crenguta de rozmarin
o lingurita de seminte de coriandru
sare si piper
germeni de ridichi albi si rosii

Se toaca rozmarinul marunt si se presara toate condimentele pe tocator. Bucata de carne se trece prin toate condimentele si se stropeste cu putin ulei. Se pune pe gratar 1.5 minute pe fiecare parte. Se scoate si se lasa la odihnit cam 5 minute. Dupa care se taie in felii foarte subtiri.

Se aseaza pe o farfurie un strat de germeni, peste se pun feliile de carpaccio.
Se stropeste la sfarsit cu cateva picaturi de ulei de masline.


200 grams of beef
one branch of rosemary
one teaspoon of coriander seeds
salt and pepper
white and red reddish sprouts

Chop the rosemary finely and put in onto a chopping board along with all the other ingredients. Roll over the meat into all ingredients and also put a few drops of oil on it. Put it on the grill and leave it for 1.5 minutes on each side. Let it rest for about 5 minutes. Slice it as thin as you can.

On a plate, add the sprouts and on top put the carpaccio.
Also add a few drops of olive oil on top.


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