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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pui cu bacon si garnitura din germeni de naut - chicken bacon and garnish with chickpeas sprouts


jumatate de piept de pui
3-4 felii de bacon
1 lingura de cascaval ras
2-3 frunze de busuioc

Se bate putin pieptul de pui ca sa se mai subtieze. Se adauga peste pieptul de pui cascavalul ras, busuiocul si feliile de bacon, una langa alta. Se pune in tigaie, fara ulei, cu baconul in jos pentru 2 minute, apoi se intoarce si se mai lasa 2 minute.

germeni de naut (naut incoltit)
2 felii de bacon
putin busuioc

Se taie cubulete bacon-ul si se caleste putin. Apoi se adauga si nautul deja fiert. Se mai lasa pe foc 2 minute. La sfarsit se presara deasupra putin busuioc.

half of chicken breast
3-4 slices of bacon
1 spoon of cheese finely shaved
2-3 of basil leaves

Make the chicken breast thinner using the back side of a knife. Put on the chicken the cheese, the basil and the bacon. Put it into a pan with no oil, with the bacon side down for 2 minutes, turn it and let it cook for 2 more minutes on the other side.

chickpeas sprouts
2 slices of bacon
a bit of basil

Cut into small pieces the bacon and put in the pan for a few minutes. Then add the boiled chickpeas sprouts and let it cook for 2 more minutes. At the end, add a bit of finely chopped basil.



  1. Oh my goodness, this dish looks awesome. How long to prepare really though. Definatly will try!

  2. Thanks.
    It takes about 20 minutes maximum. It's easy.
