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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sparanghel cu tofu in suc de portocale - White asparagus with tofu in orange juice


100 gr de tofu
o portocala
150 gr de sparanghel alb
o lingurita de ulei de susan
o lingura de ulei de masline
o lingura de otet balsamic
o lingurita de miso alb

Se face un sos din coaja si zeama de la portocala, uleiul de masline, otetul balsamic, uleiul de susan si miso. Se amesteca toate foarte bine. Tofu se taie in cubulete de 2 cm lungime si se toarna sosul peste tofu si se lasa 15 minute la marinat. Tofu (scos din sosul de marinata, care se pastreaza separat deocamdata) se pune intr-o tava pe hartie de copt, pe un strat si se baga la cuptor pana se rumeneste tofu. Cand s-a rumenit tofu se adauga sparanghelul si se mai lasa 5 minute la cuptor. Se scoate totul din tava, se pune intr-o farfurie si se toarna peste sosul care a ramas de la marinata.


100 gr of tofu
one orange
1 tsp sesame oil
1 sp of olive oil
1sp of balsamic vinegar
1 tsp white miso

Make a sauce from all the ingredients, including the orange zest and juice and mix them really well. Cut the tofu into 2cm cubes and let it marinate into the sauce for 15 minutes. Take out the tofu and put it into an oven tray filled with baking paper. Let it stay in the oven until it's golden, afterwards add the asparagus and let it cook for 5 minutes in the oven. Take it out and put it on a plate and pour the marinate sauce on it.


Mini vinete dulci - Sweet baby aubergines


4 vinete mici
150 gr de branza de vaci
o mana de caise uscate
o lingurita de scortisoara
o ciocolata de 100 gr de 70% cacao
2 linguri de ulei de masline

Vinetele se gatesc la aburi, aproximativ 15 minute. Intre timp, caisele uscate se taie foarte marunt si se amesteca cu branza si scortisoara. Se scot vinetele de la aburi si fiecare vanata se taie in doua. In fiecare jumatate de vanata se pune cam o lingura de branza si se aseaza apoi pe un platou. Ciocolata se topeste si se adauga cele 2 linguri de ulei de masline. Acest sos se toarna peste vinete. Se servesc la temperatura camerei.


4 baby aubergines
150 gr of white cheese (Philadelphia cheese type)
one hand of dried apricots
one tsp of cinnamon
one 70% chocolate of 100 gr
2 sp of olive oil

Put the aubergines into the steamer for 15 minutes. In the mean time, cut the apricots into small pieces and mix them with the cheese and the cinnamon. Cut the aubergines into halves and add into each half a spoon of the cheese mix. Melt the chocolate and add the olive oil in it. Pour the sauce onto the aubergines. Serve at room temperature.



un ardei gras
o vanata
un dovlecel
o ceapa mare
4-5 rosii
o legatura de bususioc
sare, piper si ulei de masline

Toate legumele se taie cubulete. Intr-o tigaie se pun 3 linguri de ulei de masline si se adauga legumele. Se calesc pe aragaz aproximativ 10 minute, dupa care se pun intr-un vas si se baga in cuptor pentru 45 de minute la 160-170 de grade. Cand este gata se adauga busuiocul tocat. Se adauga sare si piper dupa gust.


one bell pepper
one eggplant
one zucchini
one big onion
4-5 tomatoes
one bunch of basil
salt, pepper and olive oil

Cut all vegetables into cubes. In a pan add 3 tbs of olive oil and throw the vegetables in. Let them cook for about 10 minutes. Put them into a bowl into the oven for 45 minutes at 160-170 degrees. When it's ready add the chopped basil and also salt and pepper after taste.
