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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rulouri surf n turf - Surf n Turf rolls


jumatate de piept de pui
50 gr de somon afumat
ulei de susan

Pieptul de pui se taie in doua si se subtiaza bucatile (usor, cu ciocanul de snitele).
Pe toata suprafata puiului se aseaza felii de somon afumat si se ruleaza. Cele doua rulouri se pun la steamer pentru 10 minute, dupa care se prajesc intr-o tigaie incinsa cu o lingurita de ulei de susan. Se servesc cu salata.


half of chicken breast
50 gr of smoked salmon
sesame oil

Cut the chicken breast in 2 pieces and make it thin, gently with the meat basher. Put the smoked salmon on top of the chicken and roll it. Put the two rolls into the steamer for 10 minutes. Then fry them into a hot pan with one teaspoon of sesame oil. Serve with salad.


  1. Ma omori cu somonul! :) Pentru ca asa ceva nu am mancat niciodata pe cat de des mi-am dorit! :(

  2. Pui cu somon!!! O combinatie la care nu m-am gadit, dar ma inspira!!!
