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Friday, August 21, 2009

Porc in crusta de susan - Pork in sesame crust


200 gr de carne de porc
un pumn de seminte de susan (alb si negru)
o lingurita de sare
jumatate de lingurita de cardamon pudra
un albus de ou

Intr-o tigaie se prajeste carnea, pe toate partile, ca sa se rumeneasca. Intr-o tava de cuptor se pune hartie de copt. Se scoate carnea din tigaie si se pune pe hartie in tava. Intr-un castron se amesteca susanul, cardamonul, sarea si albusul. Se inveleste bine carnea cu tot amestecul si se baga la cuptorul incins la 160 grade aproximativ o ora.


200 gr of pork meat
a full hand of black and white sesame seeds
a tsp of salt
half of tsp of cardamom powder
one white egg

In a pan fry the meat, until it's slightly brown on all sides. In an oven tray put cooking paper. Place the meat in the tray. In a bowl mix the salt, sesame seeds, cardamom, salt and white egg. Put the mix over the meat and put it in the hot oven at 160 degrees for about an hour.
