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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Kurtos Monti


400 gr faina (200 gr tarate, 200 gr faina integrala)
50 gr faina de soia
2 oua
30 gr de drojdie
un praf de sare
80 gr de fructoza
nuci pisate
coaja de la o lamaie
sirop de agave sau sirop de yacon

Se face coca si se lasa la crescut o ora, dupa care se pune pe borcane. Se mai lasa 15 minute la crescut, iar inainte de a le baga in cuptor se dau cu pensula cu sirop de agave. Se lasa la cuptor 15 minute la 160 de grade. Dupa ce se scot din cuptor se mai dau iar cu sirop de agave si prin nuca, asa cum sunt, fierbinti.


400 gr of flour (200 gr bran, 200 gr whole wheat flour)
50 gr of soya flour
2 eggs
30 gr of yeast
one pinch of salt
80 gr of fructose
smashed walnuts
one lemon zest
agave syrup or yacon syrup

Make the dough and let it rise for an hour, after one hour put it around the jars. Let it rise for 15 minutes more and before putting it into the oven, smear it with some agave syrup. Let it cook for 15 minutes at 160 degrees. When you take it out of the oven smear it again with agave syrup and smashed walnuts, while it's still hot.


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