100 gr de faina Monti (50 gr faina integrala, 50 gr tarate)
1 ou
1 lingura de ulei
un praf de sare
150 gr de branza de vaci
o mana de caise uscate
o lingurita de fructoza
coaja rasa de la o lamaie
Se prepara un aluat din ingrediente si se pune la frigider pentru 30 de minute. Intre timp se face umplutura, amestecand toate ingredientele.
Dupa 30 de minute, se intinde coca foarte bine si se taie in patratele (in functie de ce forme aveti). Se ruleaza aluatul pe formele de cannoli si se baga la cuptor pentru 10 minute la 160 de grade. Cand s-au racit, se pune umplutura in cannoli cu ajutorul unei lingurite.
100 gr of Monti flour (50 gr whole wheat flour, 50 gr bran)
one egg
one spoon of oil
one pinch of salt
150 gr of white cheese (Philadelphia cheese type)
one hand of dried apricots
one tsp of fructose
lemon zest from one lemon
Make a dough from the ingredients and put it into the fridge to rest for 30 minutes. In the mean time, make the filling by mixing together all ingredients.
After 30 minutes make the dough thin and cut it into small pieces. Roll it on the cannoli moulds and put them in the oven for 10 minutes at 160 degrees. When they are cooled down, add the filling inside using a teaspoon.