Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Pineapple ravioli - F2
Faza II
branza philadelphia
sirop de yacon
zeama de portocale
Ananasul se taie in felii cat mai subtiri. Branza se amesteca cu o lingurita de sirop de yacon. Se face un sirop din menta pisata, o lingurita de sirop de yacon si 2 lingurite de zeama de portocala. Ananasul se pune pe o farfurie, deasupra cu o lingura se pune umplutura, peste se adauga iar felii de ananas. Se serveste cu siropul de menta.
Phase II
Philadelphia cheese
yacon syrup
orange juice
Cut the pineapple into slices as thin as possible. Mix the cheese with a teaspoon of yacon syrup. Make a syrup with crushed mint, a teaspoon of yacon syrup and 2 tablespoons of orange juice. Put pineapple on a plate, on top add the mix with a spoon and add slices of pineapple again, on top. Serve with mint syrup.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Chilli con carne
Ingrediente (4 persoane):
o ceapa mare taiata marunt
300 gr carne de vita tocata
o mana de fasole boabe fiarta
un ardei iute
200 gr de rosii mixate la blender
sare, piper
Ceapa se caleste pana devine aurie, intr-o lingura de ulei, dupa care se adauga carnea tocata si ardeiul iute si se amesteca pana incepe carnea sa se prajeasca putin. Se adauga fasolea boabe fiarta deja, rosiile, sarea si piperul. Se pune apa cat sa acopere totul si se lasa la fiert la foc mic.
Ingredients (4 persons):
one onion chopped finely
300 gr of minced beef meat
one hand of boiled beans
one chilli
200 gr of chopped tomatoes
salt, pepper
Sauté the onion until it's golden, in one spoon of oil. Add the minced meat and chilli and mix until the meat starts frying.
Add the boiled beans, chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. Add water so that everything is covered with water and let it cook slowly.
Carob muffins
Ingrediente (6 muffins):
4 oua
50 gr de caise uscate (taite in bucatele cat mai mici posibil)
80 gr de pudra de roscova
80 gr de faina de migdale
2 linguri de apa
jumatate de lingurita de praf de copt
Galbenusurile, caisele, pudra de roscove, praful de copt si apa se amesteca toate. O sa iasa o compozitie foarte tare. Albusurile se bat spuma separat. Se amesteca cu compozitia de mai sus usor si se pune in forma de briose. Se pune la cuptor la 170 grade pentru 15 minute.
Ingredients (6 muffins):
4 eggs
50 gr of dried apricots
80 gr of carob powder
80 gr of almond flower
2 sp of water
half of tsp of baking powder
Mix the egg yolks with the rest of the ingredients. Whisk the white eggs really well separately. Mix the composition with the whisked white eggs, gently. Put them into the muffin tray and then into the oven at 170 degrees for 15 minutes.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Pandispan Rodica - Sponge cake
Pandispan Rodica - Monti
Aceasta reteta a pornit de la reteta lui Rodica de aici
6 oua
5 linguri fructoza
o mana de caise taiate marunt
o mana de nuci (eu am pus nuci normale si cateva nuci pecan)
100 grame faina de migdale
Se bat albusurile cu fructoza, apoi se incorporeaza incet restul ingredientelor.
Se baga in cuptorul incalzit deja la 170 de grade cam 35 de minute.
Sponge Cake
I started from this recipe here.
6 eggs
5 spoons of fructose
one hand of chopped dried apricots
one hand of nuts (I used normal nuts and also pecan nuts)
100 gr of almond flour
Mix the white eggs with the fructose and then incorporate the rest of the ingredients slowly.
Put it into a pre heated oven at 170 degrees for around 35 minutes.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
peste (somon)
orez basmati
ardei gras rosu
otet din orez
Se fierbe orezul, dupa care se lasa la racit 2 ore. Brocoli se fierbe in apa cu sare, 10 minute. Se face un sos din otet si fructoza, care se incorporeaza in orezul fiert si racit. Astfel orezul devine lipicios si nu se imprastie. Brocoli se paseaza in blender pana devine o pasta. Ardeiul, pestele si mango se taie betisoare subtiri. Se aseaza peste foaia de nori un strat de orez, peste orez se intinde un strat de brocoli, iar apoi se aseaza cateva betisoare de ardei, peste si mango. Se ruleaza cat se poate de strans ruloul, apoi se taie in felii de 1 cm grosime.
Se serveste cu sos de soia.
fish (salmon)
basmati rice
red bell pepper
rice vinegar
Boil the rice and let it cool down for 2 hours. Boil the broccoli in water with salt, for 10 minutes. Make a sauce from the vinegar and the fructose and add it to the cooled down rice. The rice will become sticky. Mix the broccoli until it looks like a paste. Cut in thin slices the pepper, fish and mango. Put onto a nori sheet the rice first, on top of it the broccoli paste and then some pepper, fish and mango. Roll it as tight as possible and cut it about 1 cm thick a slice.
Serve with soya sauce and wasabi.
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