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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Black-Eyed Peas chill salad


1 avocado
zeama de la o jumatate de lamaie sau lime
o cana de fasole fiarta (fasole Black-Eyed Peas sau mung sau adzuki)
jumatate de legatura de menta
un praf de sare
putin ulei de masline

Se amesteca toate si se serveste rece


1 avocado
juice from a half of lemon or lime
one cup of black eyed beans boiled (or mung beans or adzuki beans)
half of a mint bunch
a pinch of salt
a bit of olive oil

Mix all ingredients and serve cold.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Maimute de ciocolata Monti - Chocolate monkeys Monti


6 oua
30 ml de lapte de soia (sau lapte Monti)
30 ml de ulei
3 linguri de cacao
3 linguri de faina de soia
o lingura de sirop de agave
jumatate de lingurita de praf de copt

Galbenusurile se amesteca cu toate ingredintele de mai sus. Albusurile se bat spuma, pana stau bat. Dupa care se amesteca cu compozitia de mai sus, incet incet si se pune totul in formele de briose la cuptorul incins inainte. Se coc 20 min la 170 de grade. Dupa ce se racesc, se adauga glazura de ciocolata (ciocolata topita cu putin unt). Sunt foartee delicioase.


6 eggs
30 ml of soya milk (or Monti milk)
30 ml of oil
3 sp of cocoa
3 sp of soy flour
one sp of agave syrup
half of tsp of baking powder

Mix the egg yolks with all ingredients. Mix the egg white until it's really hard. Mix all gently together. Put the composition in the muffin tray and put it into a pre heated oven. Bake for 20 minutes at 170 degrees. After they are cooled down, add chocolate glaze on top (chocolate melted with a bit of butter).
