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Friday, March 4, 2011

Gulas cehesc in paine monti - Czech Goulash in monti bread


500 gr carne de vaca
3 cepe medii
4 linguri ulei
3 linguri paprika

Ceapa se taie in cuburi (1/2 cm) si se caleste in cele 4 linguri de ulei. Cand ceapa capata o culoare maro inchis, se adauga cele 3 linguri de paprika si se amesteca bine. Se adauga carnea taiata cuburi, sare si piper, se acopera oala cu capac si se lasa sa fiarba la foc mic. Nu se pune apa deloc, carnea v-a lasa destula zeama in care sa fiarba. Timp de 2 ore se tot amesteca. Daca vrem mai mult sos se adauga la sfarsit apa si se mai lasa la fiert 10-15 minute.

Se serveste cu dumplings (KNEDLIKY) sau in paine monti.


500 gr beef meat
3 medium onions
4 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons paprika

Cut the onions into small cubes (1/2 cm) and cook it in 4 tablespoons of oil. When the onions turn a dark brown colour, add the 3 tablespoons of paprika and stir well. Add the diced meat, salt and pepper, cover the pot with a lid and let it simmer on low heat. Don't add any water at all, the meat is going to leave plenty of water to boil in. Let it cook for 2 hours, mix it from time to time. If you want more sauce, add water to the end and let it boil for 10-15 minutes more.

Serve with dumplings (KNEDLIKY) or in monti bread.

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